Thursday, January 24, 2013

Out of the Office


 Hello All, I just wanted to pop on to let you know that I will be away from the blog or office so to speak for the next two days!! I will be attending the Chosen Conference at my church!! I am really excited and looking forward to catching up with friends, experiencing great worship music, attending inspiring breakout sessions, shopping and most importantly learning something new about myself, etc.

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend! I will see you around next week!  In the meantime, look forward to a few posts about my recent thrift finds, random conversations, a broken toe, the conference and of course, all the link ups!!



  1. it sounds like a wonderful time, enjoy! :)

  2. have a fabulous time. it sounds wonderful!

  3. enjoy your time at the coference! first time visiting, but i love your blog title and the Bible verse!

  4. have fun at the conference! sounds like a great experience :)

  5. Sounds like a bunch of fun and I love the bible verse!
