Thursday, November 24, 2011

Wish List 2011 Link-Up

I am all stuffed and ready to curl up with a warm bowl of peach cobbler, but I thought I would jot a few things down in honor of Black Friday.  What's on your list this year?  Run on over to GS Lillian and check out Shelly's jewelry for you or someone else.

 GS Lillian

GS Lillian-Lucy Bangle $36  

GS Lillian- Zoe Earrings $52

Sephora $60-98

This pretty much wraps it up for me.  I am wishing for these, and it would be so fun to find them under the tree this year.


  1. aww, i really hope you get some of Shelly's jewelry! those are great picks!!! i was eyeing both of those. the Zoe earrings are one of my faves (especially since one of my girls is a Zoe!!!)

  2. Hi Shon! Just wanted to say Hello and Happy New Year. I hope you and your family are well!
