Thursday, August 25, 2011

We'll Call It GUMBO, cause every last moment is in this POT

 Another forgotten lost post from the archives......

Well, it has been a long time since I have shared with you all.  There have been so many things that have happened in our family over the last few weeks!! ALL great things here!!Our Kendall girl, sang at her last 3rd Grade performance, our Jaryn was the defense attorney representing none other than the Big, Bad Wolf  for her mock trial. You can laugh, because it was hysterical!!  They were all so cute in their costumes!!

 The lovely Kendall on the last day of 3rd Grade and the lovely Jaryn on the last day of 5th Grade

Jaryn also had a fun last week of school as she and her 5th Grade class Danced Through the Decades.  The entire 5th Grade class donned period dress from the 20's, 50's, 70's and 80's!! It was great fun running around town and crafting her costumes!!!  I am sorry, but all of my pictures did not turn out like I had hoped.

The 80's and the 50's below

  I especially had fun with this since I have found my crafty-jones.  Jaryn graduated 5th Grade during an emotional commencement ceremony.  I could actually see her crossing as a senior bound for college!!  We are so proud of her and all that she accomplished this year.  In fact, all three of the Super Three did exceptionally well this semester.  Our youngest, Jeremiah, graduated from preschool and is well on his way to Kindergarten.  The graduation performance was so cute and so inspiring.  We wrapped the day at his favorite little nugget joint, Chik-Fil-A!! Our little ones bring us so much joy and it has been a blast witnessing them enjoying their school days and building memories.  We are now in the throes of the long, lazy days of summer and enjoying every minute of it.

 Our Preschool graduate and future college graduate

 My Supa fly husband, our son Jeremiah and oldest daughter Jaryn

Ok, so I am derailing a moment to share what I have been up to.  I began sewing with some dear church lady friends of mine a few months ago.  They actually started me on a handbag project and I just completed it!! I received my very own sewing machine from the greatest husband on earth for Mother's Day!!  I owe SEW much to Heather and SEW, SEW much to Missy!!!!  I am sort of on FIRE now and my mind is on over load!! I have become a CRAFT MONSTER!!!!!  I have many little projects in the works and I will share photos as I go along.  Please stay to FOLLOW!!!!!

 My beautiful bag!!!  That is Missy in the background and our her sewing studio!! Hee hee Missy asked me to crop the ironing board out, but I opted not to since it was such an integral part of the technical process.

 The making of a custom burp cloth out of a cloth diaper and decorative fabric

That's all for NOW......


  1. I LOVE that bag! Are you making any for sale?

  2. Oh my, Lori, it took me months to finish this one with my friend's help of course. I am still learning and would hate to make you wait a million years for one. I have seen them on Etsy. Look up the Birdie Bag, pattern by Amy Butler. I hope this helps!! Thank you for your confidence in me.;)
